
13.4 oz.
Spray time: 7 Seconds
Largest bear spray available
Premium chest holster with strap and snap
Glow in the dark safety clip
Bear safety tip booklet
UDAP Bear Spray Specifications:
- 2.0% Major Capcaicinoids (MC)
- 10% Oleoresin Capsicum (OC)
- Range up to 30 feet plus
- Powerful dispersion, Shotgun Blast pattern
- Manufactured to ISO standards. The highest quality of standards
- Proven in dozens of wildlife attacks
- Non-flammable
- Zero ozone depletion potential
- Oil-based for Lasting Airborne Disbursement
- EPA Registered
- 2Q, outside curl, internally lined, seamless aluminum can
- Highly visible fog
- Large, rectangular nozzle
- High volume Powerful Blast
- Developed by a grizzly bear attack survivor
UDAP Super Magnum Bear Spray Range 30-35 feet (9 meters).
How It Works:

- A one second burst to the face of the attacker will:
- Dilate the capillaries of the eye causing temporary blindness
- Induce choking, coughing, and nausea
- Cause mucous membranes to swell, preventing all but life support breathing
- Causes the attacker to stop immediately, almost as if hitting a wall, and turn in its tracks